Jazwiec on Business / Tools for Success

John Jazwiec gives successful leadership tips along with business insights for a path to CEO success.

Rules for Successful Leadership

In everything you do, help the world by being other people's mentor, seeing potential and giving people confidence when they can't see it in themselves.

Self-awareness is essential to leading and helping others. Be yourself, and let people know that you are aware (right or wrong) of how you are going to be perceived. By getting that out of the way, you can "shape" the landscape of building a trusting relationship.

Be open to a fault. Bet on open communication as opposed to being compartmentalized. Strive toward codifying your "system" at the front end so that everyone understands how you make decisions. And surround yourself with people who are smarter than you are.

Leaders within a company emerge when they are able to run faster and faster over time. Using that landscape and open communication helps push their own ideas to the forefront and consequently self-replaces more conservative leaders.

Successful leadership is about building a "system" with solutions that push the envelope. They must be clean and intuitive. And they must not suffer from an overinvestment in features and functionality versus new product development and old product destruction.

Top Ten Business Insights

  1. Without cash, you don't have money to spend
  2. Without profitable products that customers want, there is no reason to promote them
  3. Without consistent processes and quality, even profitable products will not sell due to unsatisfied customers
  4. No one wants to buy products and services from employees that are not excited about their company
  5. Cash flow is the only concrete way to measure the health of the company
  6. Use the Sinatra test: "If I can do it here, I can do it anywhere"
  7. Satisfaction = Performance - Expectations
  8. Acquisitions that make sense are the best way to develop products
  9. Make 10 small decisions and have seven be right instead of one big decision with no predictable chance of being a success
  10. Don't become complacent, thinking: "I've played the game right, success will simply follow."
From athletic scholar and satirist to computer programmer to successful CEO, John Jazwiec brings a unique and often eccentric perspective to business and supply chain challenges, exploring how they can be solved through the leadership and communication insights found in nontraditional sources.
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